I love hot showers. Nothing shifts my mind to the safety and privilege I get to enjoy like clean, hot water surrounding and securing me. On the flip side, shoveling snow - whether it's the heavy, wet stuff like today, or the fluffy stuff in bone-chilling and flesh-cracking arctic temps - makes me miss those precious few years when my husband shouldered this task for me.
I guess I am part of a tiny minority. I am basically the antithesis of a modern feminist. I like to be taken care of. It's part of feeling loved. Yes, I can be independent, and I see value in being capable of it, but I don't like it.
I don't know if my husband shoveled snow as a way of caring for me, or because he thought it was expected of him, or habit, or he had to do it anyway to get his car out. I may never know.
What I reflect on as I slip down the steep driveway and feel my toes go stiff from the creeping cold, is that I am fortunate to have felt that care when my husband did this. I appreciated it then and I appreciate now, that that has been part of my life. Maybe my son will be the kind of man who takes care of his family in this way and they will enjoy that feeling of love and security. It's the contrast of love, set against cold, harsh nature, that tames its dangers and brings out the beauties of winter.
A snow storm is not inherently beautiful. It's beautiful when viewed through thermal windows, with the warm ambiance of a fire, delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen and a dog snuggled in a sheepskin listening to someone reading a book aloud.
My job, as I see it, is to create that setting. It's more difficult, maybe impossible, to do alone, but it's still my job. My kids appreciate it, my dogs appreciate it. It will be a part of them and ripple into the future.
So, here's to the songs, the gatherings, warming numb fingers after snowball fights, the smell of wet snow pants drying in front of the register, the excitement of new winter coat, and the myriad of experiences that are tied exclusively to the beauties of Winter!
And happy shoveling, because it's all part of love.